It's time I gave you a feel for our little town. It won't take long because there is not much of it! You can see it comprises about six streets most of which peter out to bush tracks after one block. The housing blocks are large .. at least a half acre each and not all built on so the houses are very spread apart. I'm told that between the villages of Clandulla and Charbon (3.5 kms away) there are only 103 postal addresses! The railway line bisecting the town is an important landmark. I'll show you some photos of the railway station (closed) our one shop (closed) and school (closed) as we go along. There is no church, pub or community hall. But here is a playground, oval, public toilet and tennis court (closed judging by the weeds). The green bit on the map is Clandulla State Forest. Clandulla and surrounds however have a population of about 350 people so could be considered thriving in comparison to the little towns we pass through on the way here. Whis...
Clandulla, Kandos and surrounds